Tuesday, 26 November 2013

New America: Expanded Boundaries and Hidden Treasures

In the November 2013 edition of the National Geographic magazine an artical was published entitled 'New America'. (http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/11/new-america-map/ballard-text)
With the world poplation already exceeding 7 billion people the rush to find new resources is ever increasing. This artical describes how the US has being exploring its 'Exclusive Economic Zone' and what new resources it has discovered.
What it fails to address is how this and other nations rush to find new resources on and under the bed of the oceans may bring them into conflict in the future.
It links in with your work on sustainability and the work we will be doing about China later this year.
P.s. Creating a National Gographic account is something you really ought to do.

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